
seven nine: a doctor; A conformist by the rules. Look for all kinds of uncertainty, noise, atonality, anti-musicality, non-ideal countries in the modular sound world. The sound and vibration fragments are cut by means of scalpel, and the fragments are stitched and fused. “To Cure Sometimes, To Relieve Often, To Comfort Always”.

一个泌尿外科医生;一个传统循规蹈矩的遵从者,在模块的声音世界里寻找各种不确定、噪音、无调式、反音乐性、非理想国。以手术刀的方式切割声音振动片段,碎片缝合、熔接。在他看来,声音如同医学,“To Cure Sometimes, To Relieve Often, To Comfort Always”(偶尔能治愈,常常是帮助,总是在安慰)。

Instagram: 79_seven nine_79