
Music is one of the best ways for human beings to communicate their ideologies. This invisible yet immense signaling energy has been changing the space made up of all kinds of matter and the people who can receive it, and that’s how 2Xy came to be. From the reconstruction of the worldview after experiencing western rock music in the 90’s to the later exposure to the interpretation of ideology through electronica, 2Xy is a new carrier of consciousness. Everything before was just a process to form a new evolutionary outcome. Perhaps music is the thread that can document this process. This line contains a timeline, from the worship of 70’s psychedelic music, to the love of 80’s rockmusic and the helplessness of 90’s Indie music dying, electronic music signal technology and analog synthesizer technology is the arithmetic program behind these prosperity, so that the music signal energy influences the evolution of human’s understanding of the cultural and material understanding, 2Xy is to use the music to cross the limitations of the dimension!

Founder of LFO MUSIC, music producer, film score and sound design. Director of Music Study Abroad Organization, students have been accepted to Berklee College of Music, CalArts, Peabody Conservatory of Music, MI,LACM, and more!

音乐是人类最好的意识形态传达方式之一,这种无形而又巨大的信号能量一直在改变着由各种物质组成的空间,也改变着可以接受到这种信号能量的人们,就 这样才有了2Xy。 从90年代感受西方摇滚乐后对世界观的重建,到后来接触电子乐对意识形态的解读,2Xy是一个新的意识载体,之前的一切只是为了形成新 的进化成果的过程。也许音乐才是能记录这个过程的那一条线。这条线上包含了时间轴,有对从对70年代迷幻音乐的膜拜,有对80年代摇滚乐盛世的热爱和 对90年代独立音乐垂死的无助惋惜,电子乐信号技术和模拟合成器技术是这些繁华背后运算程序,从而使音乐信号能量影响着人类对文化和物质理解进化, 2Xy就是要用音乐穿越这个维度的限制。