ΛNGELVS is an artist and music producer whose works involved sound visualisation, spatial sound installations and has performed in various galleries, museums, theaters and clubs. She launched the independent label Metasonar, which focuses on promoting experimental music and experimenting with different mediums and sciences into the club scene to broaden the boundaries of sound. As a DJ, she is deeply influenced by Techno, Dub Techno, UK Bass and Dark Wave, subtly blending retro elements and deconstructed rhythms into  a dark, cold and atmospheric journey.

ΛNGELVS 是一位音乐制作人,她的作品涉及声音可视化、空间声音装置,曾于不同的美术馆、画廊、剧院与俱乐部演出。她发起的独立厂牌 Metasonar 专注于推广实验音乐,并尝试将不同的媒介与科学融入俱乐部场景,拓宽声音的界限。作为  DJ,她深受 Techno、Dub Techno、UK Bass、Dark Wave 等风格的影响,将复古的元素与解构的节奏微妙地融合成暗黑、凛冽又极具空间感的氛围之旅。