Cloud Choir 浮云合唱团

Cloud Choir is an experimental drone duo with the dashing good looks of a boy band. Richard Doran and Michael Cupoli have been recording on kitchen tables with releases on labels based in China and abroad as well as playing at various noise shows around town since 2011. By slowly building up walls of sound, the listener becomes hypnotized from the overwhelming feeling. You may come into a Cloud Choir event thinking it’s just another show and leave having an experience like you’ve never had before. 

浮云合唱团是一支实验迷幻电子乐队两个成员帅得很,甚至有资格组成一个k-pop组合。自从2011年《浮云》的两个成员Richard Doran (董默涵)和Michael Cupoli (小麦)在自己的厂牌(厨房桌子)发行过若干的小专辑与此同时在中国国内外演出过。浮云的音乐风可以理解为通过反复达成一层又一层的噪音以及低调节奏(有点像快没有电的迪斯科)让听众觉得自己已经飘进了另一个世界,甚至融入到了一个‘忘我的状态’。也许你会觉得前往一个浮云合唱团的演出就是一个很随便的一个决定但当你体会了那种现场感受之后你就不会这样认为的,甚至可以这样说,看完咱们的演出你就无法回到过去的生活状态(这话一点都不夸奖)。
