
A.I. is a documentary photographer, music producer, and module specialist at Rampway label. His time spent living in the countryside in the east of the United States has influenced his wild and “unadorned” style. He has developed his unique modular system specifically to explore diverse possibilities during live club performances. A.I. is passionate about hypnotic deep techno and insists on using pure hardware without pre-programmed presets or sequencers. He allows the modules to interact in real-time, creating electronic music scenes that bear the distinctive A.I. label with deep atmospheres and non-stop engines. His singles “a1” and “A2,” recorded using this modular system, have been released by I/O and CRATER Records.

A.I. 纪实摄影师,音乐制作人。坡道厂牌模块专员。美国东部大农村的生活造就了他的狂野和“质朴”。专为探索现场多元可能性构建了自己独特的模块系统。热衷于hypnotic deep techno,坚持纯硬件输出,不使用任何pre-program的预设和音序,让模块即时交互,用深邃的氛围以及永不停歇的发动机构建起印有属于A.I.标签的独一无二的电子音乐场景。模块录制的单曲《a1》和《A2》也分别收录在I/O和环形山唱片的合集中。


《A2 》