Ankar Arken

As a sound designer, DJ, Sound Artist, Ankar has never stopped his practice of music, from the experimental music scene in London to various exhibitions and shows to underground clubs all over the China, he has left his unique musical traces. “The minority ethnic preset reflect his unique understanding of music in his genes. The experience of uk life has added a lot of bass and acid elements to his musical taste. He is used to combining exotic musical instruments and Hard 4/4 techno music in his live sets to communicate with the dance floor. . As DJ, vinyl records are his specialty, and he prefers to interact with the dance floor with long marathon sets.

作为资深声音设计师,DJ,Sound Artist,Ankar从没停下自己追求音乐的脚步,从伦敦的 先锋实验音乐场景到各类展览秀场至国内各地地下俱乐部都留下了他独特的音乐痕迹,少数 民族的出厂设置在基因里就映射了他对音乐的独特理解,英国生活的经历在他的音乐品味中 添加了不少低音和酸性元素,2013至今主要研究MUSIQUE CONCRETE具象音乐以及Electroacoustic Music,其作 品触及自然现实与科技虚拟之间的矛盾,游走在静谧与狂暴之间,如画家般为你描绘出内心 难得一窥的梦境。以live set的形式结合少数民族民族乐器给舞池输送刚硬的4/4拍科技音 乐。作为dj,黑胶唱片是他的拿手好戏,他更是喜欢以超长的马拉松set与舞池互动。
