Wang Yi 王懿 (EAU)

Wang Yi (EAU)

music creator, and musician with cross-disciplinary projects, based in Shanghai.

EAU means water in french, reflected in his music, it feels like time floating and thoughts drifting. EAU sets his focus on contemporary and electroacoustic music, in which sound acts as a communication medium. His sound works intend to express a calm emotion in stereo construction with multiple dimensions.

He has previously released ambient album HUI under Sound Blanc in 2021, and a full-length album Shang Xia under Crater Records in 2022. 

His on going 3D Audio/Visual LIVE project in collaboration with visual artist Miao Jing was invited to DIAGE Digital Arts & Electronic Music Festival in Bangkok Thailand in 2023, and as exclusive supporting artist duo for Ryoichi Kurokawa ”SUBASSEMBLY” 2023 China Tour. He also collaborates with other well-known digital artists such as Dabeiyuzhou, Jimmz as sound designer and music producer.





与视觉艺术家苗晶合作《柒种颜色》3D A/V LIVE视听企划,受邀参演曼谷DIAGE数字艺术与电子音乐节、黑川良一”SUBASSEMBLY 构建”中国巡演。与数字艺术家大悲宇宙合作《仿佛末来》、《虚拟蝴蝶》、《文本基因计划》等作品,担任音乐与声音设计。与新媒体艺术家JIMMZ合作《错位山水》参展伦敦设计周、Flare光点国际新媒体艺术节、上海数字艺术博览会、武汉东湖雕塑双年展。