
Herbix studied at the Leeds College of Music in the UK, where he explored jazz and modern music under mentors Jamie Taylor and Mike Walker. As a music producer and guitarist, he blends electronic, jazz, and hip-hop in his works, released under the name Herbix. He also researches electronic music live sets, using hardware like synthesizers, drum machines, and samplers for spontaneous sound expression.

Herbix,曾进修于自英国利兹音乐学院,在导师Jamie Taylor和Mike Walker的引导下,他探索着爵士乐和现代音乐的边界,将不同元素融汇于自己的音乐创作和演奏中。作为一名音乐制作人和吉他手,除了参与商业项目外,他以艺名Herbix在全网发布个人作品,将电子、爵士和嘻哈等多元音乐元素巧妙融合,让人耳目一新。此外,他还是一位电子音乐live set深重度研究人员,通过使用模块,合成器,鼓机,采样器等硬件设备更加即兴的表达声音。

  • Red: Herbix的声音实验
  • WeChat Video Channel: Herbix的声音实验
  • Instagram: iamherbix