Junhao Liu (CS_Star)
Ever since modular synthesizer performances became his thing, Junhao Liu has let go of many of his past titles—composer commissioned by institutions such as the Shanghai Philharmonic and the China Welfare Institute Children’s Choir, arranger for top-tier Chinese music variety shows, composer for multiple film and TV scores, curator of the immersive sound space Lélin®, holder of the Level II Composer title in Shanghai, and a master’s degree graduate in composition from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Oh, and a washed-up accordion player—though that last part may be a bit exaggerated. Even today, he’s still more than happy to stuff his own accordion samples into his modular setup and experiment. To him, it’s a tribute to his childhood. Childhood memories, like breathing, stay with a person for life, and music, he believes, will always be a crucial medium for exploring the self.
隽皓 (CS_Star)
自打心里有了模块合成器演出这档子事,他便放下了自己很多过往的title——受上海爱乐、中福会合唱团等机构委约的作曲家,中国优秀音综节目的编曲人,N部影视剧的配乐作曲,樂臨® 全景声空间主理人,上海市作曲二级职称,以及上音作曲硕士学位的一纸文凭和一名过气的手风琴演奏者。好吧,最后一个可能有点失真,因为时至今日他仍然非常愿意将自己演奏的手风琴采样塞进模块中折腾。在他看来,这代表着对童年的致敬。一个人的童年记忆如呼吸般伴随终生,而音乐将成为探究自我的重要灵媒。