The young Khan ZAΓREOΣ’s army marches at a rate of 120-200 bpm, depending on the situation, with the fierce and raucous Schranz leading the vanguard. As his troops pass, those who hear join the frenzy of Dionysian revelry, dancing fiercely in the storm woven by the rhythm of drums.
Excerpt from his autobiography, “The Path of ZAΓREOΣ”:
“The sky hangs like iron, and on the plain, the fiery glint akin to a young beast’s eyes is the iron cavalry of the Khan. While Dionysus Khan sits alone in his tent, his son, the heir ZAΓREOΣ, stands before the formation. Like his father, a blend of reckless violence and childlike playfulness, solemnity merged with fanaticism, is his style of mobilizing troops. Under his command, the Menades, amidst the frenzied dance of Schranz war songs, rupture eardrums and begin the ritual. All shall be reborn in acidic substances.”
年轻可汗ZAΓREOΣ 的大军行进速率为120-200bpm,视情况而定,其先锋为凶狠嘈杂的Schranz。他的队伍经过,闻者无一不加入戴欧尼西亚的狂欢,于鼓点织就的暴风骤雨中发扬蹈厉