Born and raised in Canton, mafmadmaf is a sound artist who also engages in graphic design and publishing. His work mainly includes ambient music, installation and publications. Inspired by the openness and logical rationality of modular synthesizers and combined with interdisciplinary practice in biological sciences, visual arts and musical instrument training, his creation is thus full of experimental spirit and structural aesthetics. He has been running an independent publishing house Jyugam (jyugam.com) since 2020.
For more information about his over decade of practice in graphic design, printed matters and publishing, please visit maf-works.com.
生於1987年廣州, mafmadmaf 是一名聲音創作者,同時從事平面設計和獨立出版,作品類型主要包括環境音樂、裝置和出版物。鐘情於模組合成器的開放與邏輯理性,結合其生物科學、樂器訓練、視覺藝術等跨領域經驗,他的作品充滿實驗精神和結構美感。曾參與東京模組合成器藝術節、浮梁大地藝術節、南海大地藝術節、日本越後妻有大地藝術節等國內外藝術節和展覽,享受於不同場域特性中創造聲音景觀。2020 年起運作獨立出版機構 Jyugam。
他亦從事平面設計工作至今超過十年,關於視覺設計和出版的更多內容,請查看 maf-works.com。