Meng Qi 孟奇

Meng Qi is a pioneering synthesizer designer and musician famous for his music and distinctive instruments, which are used by electronic artists all over the world. With dedication, research, and deep experience in electronic musical interfaces, he designs synthesizers with unique thoughts and aesthetics and performs synthesizers with a gestural, emotional edge. As a synthesis, creative coding, and instrument-building teacher, he has led courses at institutions like Beijing Contemporary Music Academy, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Central Academy of Fine Arts, and other significant events throughout China and abroad. Meng Qi’s two latest designs are Wing Pinger and Wingie. Wing Pinger is an analog musical instrument that merges chaos and melody on a highly optimized interface for sonic versatility and profound expressions; Wingie is a handheld stereo resonator with onboard microphones. Meng Qi maintains effective communication and cooperation with the whole community of synthesizer designers worldwide. He’s working on his third standalone instrument with Trent Gill, which is expected to be launched by 2024. Otherwise, he’s been running a media called Synthesizer Minority with his friend, devoting themselves to introducing the knowledge of synthesizers and how they are used in modern electronic music to more and more people.

孟奇是当代的先锋合成器设计师和音乐家,他善于从乐器的角度深入理解、设计和演奏合成器系统。作为声音合成、电子乐器制作和创意编程的教师,他曾在北京现代音乐学院,天津美术学院,中央美术学院,以及国内外的活动中进行教学和讲座。孟奇最新的两个电子乐器设计是 振翅 和 小羽。振翅是把混沌与旋律结合在高演奏性界面上的模拟电子乐器;小羽是自带麦克风的一款手持立体声共鸣器。孟奇广泛与世界上其他电子音乐设计师积极交流与合作,目前,他正在与纽约合成器设计师 Gill Trent 一起合作设计他的第三件独立乐器作品,预计2024年推出。此外,孟奇还与朋友经营着科普性媒体【合成少数派】,致力于将合成器的知识以及合成器在现代电子音乐中的使用传递给更多的人。

