Momose Yasunaga

She is a modular synthesizer player, electronic music artist, and vocalist.

She expresses she own fantastical world using modular synthesizers and voice. She theme is to create magical sounds that move between reality and abstraction by organically combining electronic sounds and voice.

She was selected as the winner of each award at Miss iD2020 sponsored by Kodansha. In addition to her solo activities, she also participates in various units as a vocalist.

She released “Body In Ether” and “Listen in a Cool Room” on PURRE GOOHN.

She works in both realms, music and art.She has performed at Tokyo Festival of Modular, Kansai Festival of Modular, Japanese Music Festival Harukaze, Okayama Triennale, Nerima Art Museum, DOMMUNE, and others. She is currently actively performing throughout Japan. She toured Europe in 2024, performing in Helsinki and Berlin.





PURRE GOOHNより『Body In Ether』『Listen in a Cool Room』をリリース。東京フェスティバルオブモジュラー、関西フェスティバルオブモジュラー、春風フェス、岡山芸術交流2022、練馬美術館、DOMMUNEなど音楽と芸術を縦断したステージで、日本で精力的にライブ活動を行う。2024年にはヨーロッパツアーを行い、ヘルシンキとベルリンでライブを行う。