PakYeeSoi·WooYimTee 白夜休·乌咽啼
“PakYeeSoi·WooYimTee” is a cross-disciplinary digital media art project initiated by Associate Professor Wang Dong. As an accomplished university associate professor and doctoral scholar, Wang Dong integrates his profound research in sound, technology, and humanities into this artistic practice.
Simultaneously, Associate Professor Wang Dong ingeniously incorporates oriental instrumental timbres, shaping a novel era of resonance where sonic elements swirl, surge with energy, and interweave in pulsating waves. The experimental electronic ambient album “8dirctions_8 ” epitomizes this creative 荒
philosophy, featuring eight thematic pieces titled with the same Chinese pronunciation “Huang” yet representing different meanings, weaving abstract electronic textures with oriental aesthetics.
Audiences will immerse in aural landscapes experiencing sound’s physical potency and spiritual essence. For instance, the piece “Frosty Blaze” employs a unique frequency modulation algorithm alongside ancient Chinese reed pipes, sculpting a vision of frozen flames amidst cascading spectral torrents. This project transcends sound itself, probing the avant-garde contexts of digital media art and achieving a unification of body and mind through artistic experience.
Whether it is the unwavering pursuit of sonic exploration or the insightful perspectives on contemporary media, “WooYimTee” will leave a profound impression as an enthralling artistic endeavor. As a doctoral associate professor striding across academia and art, Wang Dong refracts the future potentials of sound art through his unique theoretical lens and creative practice.
PakYeeSoi·WooYimTee is a groundbreaking sonic endeavor that forges a novel aural terrain by fusing experimental electronics, coded synthesis and ancient oriental instrumentation into an unprecedented, energetically interweaving resonance.
白夜休·乌烟啼 是一个音视多媒体组合,将东方神话传说与现代电子音乐深度融合,创造出极具特色的艺术表现形式。他们的音乐风格独树一帜,充满了工业Techno的元素,在冷峻、机械的节奏和音色中,巧妙地融入了东方文化的精髓。通过这种融合,他们重新构建和表达了传统的东方元素,使之在当代语境中焕发新生。