
German Synthesizer aficionado who has been addicted to electronic music for more than 25 years. RustyChuan is well known for his pure electronic long run LiveSets with Synthesizer and Drum machines around Chinese Techno Scene. Besides that, he is also passionate about Modular Synthesizer and DIY Eurorack. Bringing his modular cases to the modular commune tonight he will take you on a danceable electronica journey with rich textures and atmospheric soundscapes.

RustyChuan,德国电子音乐人,从90年代开始游走在欧洲各电子音乐圣地。近些年定居上海,他以其独特的现场表现力,活跃在全国各地派对和舞台。他擅长使用合成器和鼓机的结合,并配合模块儿合成器和DIY Eurorack在现在挖掘不同的声音组合,带大家感受音乐频率的本质。RustyChuan将带你踏上一段有质感和律动的电子音乐之旅。