Born and raised in Shanghai, China, SIENA creates music that is fit for the world to hear. Combining empathetic songwriting with sharp production that often includes modular synth passages and ethereal vocals, her sound is organic and anthemic.
Constantly venturing out into different musical influences such as Electronic, Indie pop and Soul/R&B, she has come a long way since graduated from Berklee College of Music, marking her own path as an pop artist representing the Asian youth today.
来自中国上海的唱作人Siena ,拥有亚洲双眸的独特视⻆,她的创作同时充满灵动妙意与细腻触感。敏锐但不失真意 ,她用人声与合成器交织的语汇还原高能量表达。
自幼年时期创作音乐,后于伯克利音乐学院学习电子音乐制作与声音设计 。深受R&B/ Soul和电子音乐等影响,其极具个人色彩的曲⻛兼具大众流行度与国际前沿⻛味。
Spotify / Apple Music / TIDAL: SIENA
NETEASE Cloud Music & QQ Music:SIENA
Instagram: gimmedessert
Weibo: Siena_Wu
Bilibili: siena_wu7
Douyin: SIENA