For the listener, German composer Konstantin Heuer aka Techno artist tsimtsum creates experiences of nuanced sensation, emotional honesty, and formal interest. He writes orchestral, vocal, and chamber pieces and electronic music for listening, immersing, and per the alias tsimtsum, for the club context.
Learning from Renaissance, Baroque, Classical Music, Gamelan, and Maqam. Konstantin Heuer creates new tonalities in extended just intonation. His mentors were Marco Stroppa, and Marc Sabat. He did the Cursus for computer music at IRCAM Centre Pompidou and received the Gaudeamus Price.
The tsimtsum project sets up on deep, gritty garage-infused techno, harmonies, and evolutions that draw from the musical background of a classically trained composer. Bridging delicate Parisian electronica with tart Berlinoise analog traditions, all sounds are meticulously honed and specified, organic, hypnotic, and in inner motion. Atmospheres — dusty, mystic, groovy, yet they also speak emotionally.
tsimtsum’s upcoming EP will be released on Inland/Ed Davenport’s Counterchange label.
Konstantin Heuer 是一名来自德国的作曲家,他同时还有着另一个身份——Techno 艺术家 tsimtsum。他善于为听众创造细致入微的听感、真诚的情感,以及形式上的趣味。Konstantin 谱写的管弦乐、声乐、室内乐和电子音乐作品为观众打开沉浸的聆听体验,而在 tsimtsum 的身份下,他的音乐则属于俱乐部。
Konstantin 从文艺复兴、巴洛克、古典时期的欧洲音乐、印度尼西亚的甘美兰和阿拉伯的木卡姆音乐中汲取营养,并通过寻找易于理解的结构和节奏, 使音乐可以在一种更纯粹的氛围中表现他的微分和声复调的技法。当代意大利作曲家 Marco Stroppa 和加拿大作曲家 Marc Sabat 是他最重要的导师。他在德国罗斯托克、斯图加特和荷兰海牙学习作曲专业, 并在巴黎的“声学及音乐研究院 (IRCAM)”深造作曲和计算机⾳乐。他同时也是荷兰格地姆斯国际作曲大赛 Gaudeamus Prize 获奖者。
来自古典音乐训练的背景,Konstantin 的个人项目 tsimtsum 以深沉粗犷并充满 Garage 风格的Techno、和声,以及不断的演进为基础。tsimtsum 将细腻的巴黎 Electronica 与酸涩的 Berlinoise analog 传统相融合,所有声音都经过精心的打磨和处理,调制出有机的、沉浸的、具有内生动力的音乐体验,以及尘土飞扬、神秘、充满律动同时又情绪丰富的氛围。
tsimtsum 的下一张 EP 即将在 Inland / Ed Davenport 的厂牌 Counterchange 上发行。