Wang Daoshan 王道善
Wang Daoshan is an individual in the atmosphere, noise, and improvisation of traditional music in tsingtao, Shandong. Buzzing, black atmosphere unit. More than 20 improvised copies of rough noise and ethno music have been released in multiple countries. harsh noise/power electrics project code: makairisa. Base in Qingdao.
王道善 山東青島氛圍聲響、極端/合成器譟音,青島傳統管樂家。嗡鳴、黑氛圍單元。主作配樂和廠牌拷貝發行。包括進行始於2020年的noisy remix計劃。在多國發行粗噪音和管樂即興拷貝20餘份。粗噪音/強電計畫代號:MVSP。主要根據地青島。
Instagram: wangdaoshan7